Klarna x Instacart:
Festie Bestie Campaign
Multi-channel City Takeover
Partnered with Klarna and Instacart to create a multi-touch campaign with media, digital, social, and experiential aimed at increasing usage at scale in Chicago.
With the campaign launching amidst peak festival season, we took the approach to position Klarna and Instacart as the ultimate Festie Bestie—one that gives you what you need, when you need it, and lets you choose how to pay for it.
Our Festie Bestie campaign painted the city pink and green with a city-wide OOH takeover that honed in on key transit hubs and routes for summer festivities. During Lollapalooza weekend, we took to the streets to give festivalgoers everything they’d need for an epic time. A Festie Bestie Corner Store handed out essentials like bucket hats and scrunchies, as well as items guests didn’t even know they would need like kaleidoscope glasses. Street teams gave out bubble gum packets with exclusive discount codes, while a pedicab fleet got everyone to their fest destination in style.
All festival season, this Festie Bestie had everyone’s backsies.