Between the Sheets

Immersive Meditation Experience

We partnered with poet Rupi Kaur to create an experience that gently guided guests on a journey to make space for self-love and lightness. At the entrance of the experience, guests were given a pair of headphones that played a custom poem written by Rupi for the project.

In the first stage of the poem, Rupi instructs guests to approach an area where they can take a small container and fill it with sand. The poem then transitions to a guided meditation that prompts guests to channel their container with whatever energy and thoughts they want to release. As guests made their way through the spiral walkway, the light fabrics cascading from the ceiling slowly transitioned from ripped and crumpled to smooth and pristine, symbolizing the process of healing and engulfing guests in a delicate, celestial environment.

At the end of the walkway, guests encountered a small oasis where Rupi's recording instructed them to release the sand, and what weighs them, onto a mound in the center of the room. The poem finalized with Rupi inviting guests to reflect on the newfound lightness in their hearts and minds.


Blind Date with Destiny @ 29Rooms


Whisperlodge: In Touch @ 29Rooms