Algorand Earth Day Times Square Takeover

Stunt Activation

Algorand x Invisible North

This project won the 2022 Shorty Impact Award for Live Events, Tech


Algorand is a green-built blockchain that serves as a more socially conscious choice for Web3 builders.

To drive awareness about Algorand’s commitment to sustainability in the path towards innovation, on Earth Day 2022 we shut down the billboards in one of the world’s most famous advertising hot spots— Times Square.

This stunt was a call to action for the wider public to join Algorand in disconnecting and appreciating the Earth around us by shutting down the billboards and bringing blockchain energy usage to the forefront of the discussion.

Press Highlights

“The world’s first carbon-negative blockchain turned NYC's Times Square dark for one hour ahead of Earth Day.” - NowThis

“Cryptocurrency’s impact on the environment, particularly the carbon-guzzling nature of Bitcoin mining, has been a lightning rod as blockchains grow into the mainstream.

Earth Day might be the perfect time to illuminate the issue once again—or in this case, de-illuminate it. Algorand, a first-of-its-kind carbon-negative blockchain protocol, is doing just that by blacking out New York’s Times Square to conserve power and bring a showdown in energy costs to some competing protocols.” - Fast Company

“Algorand, a blockchain committed to sustainability, planned to take over Times Square for an hour on Earth Day Eve, April 21, to raise awareness of the blockchain applications that can be built with energy-efficient technology.” - AdAge


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